Tuesday, 27 September 2016

A rant.

CONSPIRACY THEORY : The Trilateral commission formed by private citizens of North America, Japan and Europe shape its decisions and influences on global policy to ensure total Freemason domination of the Earth. Under the auspices of the New World Order (NWO) the freemasons could crush all dissent under its tight rules and brutality to achieve its goal of world domination. The Trilateral commission's goal is not to protect the interests of the lower classes but to convince people to bow to the needs of the banks and corporations. Big business rules the world. The commission is behind the world trade in drugs, drugs that keep the masses quiet, a chemical cosh.
My rant is that some ministers have degrees funded by grants from the state. They then privatise education keeping education in the ruling classes. Knowledge is power and it is a hypocrisy and an untenable position as they have had an opportinity afforded to them by the tax payer while denying the prolatariat the same chances. They are not equitable. Also legal aid has been scrapped to deny socially excluded individuals the right to represent themselves. Thirdly the cost of nominating yourself to the status of a political party was raised to eliminate any opposition. Not very democratic. The disaffected individuals are being herded in prisons or psychiatric institutions. It is considered more cost effective or expedient to lock people away or drug them to keep them quiet than it is to reform society (REF Jeffrey Masson in his book 'Final analysis'). I dont think this is incidental to their policies but intended as a degree of assault against the underclasses. Is this projection or paranoia or a human rights issue for the European court of human rights in Strassburg?
They are also allowing statistics of cancer to rise to produce panic. As the panic escalates to a critical level only reassurance of globalisation will be suggested as an answer to the problem to find a cure.

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